The Grand Opening!

It's time at last.

In this day and age, a blog might seem a little old hat to some. Video is a fine tool for demonstrating techniques - hopefully it's been useful to you in watching what I've done previously - but there are some subjects that don't really fit the video format, at least in the way that I like to use it. Product reviews, simpler techniques or demonstrations, or just WIP shots of an army project that I'd like to share which don't require a full ten minutes of video and all its accompanying editing and upload times; these are where the blog holds its place and relevance today.

The best thing about a blog from my perspective is that it lets me share a little more without having to worry about polish. I can show you workbench pictures, a bunch of photos that gave me inspiration for a project, or just share discoveries from around the internet. A 3D print Patreon that I think is neat? A new source of paints or varnishes? A supplier of 6mm Spanish Civil War miniatures? All of that and more can be here, and it takes just a few minutes for me to type it up and hit post. Expect to see some more esoteric and unusual things as I find them and post them up here for all to see, since the relative lack of filter gives me more freedom to grab hold of a link, drag it over here and yell, "Hey, check this out!"

I don't know quite what direction this will take over time, but I'm sure I've heard familiar axioms of 'best laid plans' and all that. Whatever the case, I hope that at least some of this sounds interesting and in time this'll be a neat additional source of Sonic Sledgehammer whenever you're in the mood for something a little off the wall, unusual, or just a small curiosity you might come to enjoy.


  1. I agree vlogs are a great tool if used correctly. Maybe showing my age but I like your idea.. 👍👍

  2. Hooray! Especially for WIP army updates.

    1. I figure it gives me a little more room to post stuff that isn't finished rather than worrying about a polished product for YouTube. Warts and all, here!

    2. Warts and all makes it more accessible in my book - great that you have decided to give this a go


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